Артикли 1.There's_boy in_picture. _ boy is drawing _ picture of_ dog. _ boy is fond of_ dogs 2.My younger sister is still_teenager. She is_beautifus girl with_ fair gair and _ pleastent smile. 3. -Where is milk? -I've just put it into_fridge.


Ответ дал: alexmas2007

1.There's a boy in the picture. The boy is drawing a picture of a dog. The boy is fond of dogs 2.My younger sister is still a teenager. She is a beautiful girl with fair hair and a plesant smile. 3. -Where is milk? -I've just put it into the fridge.

Ответ дал: marsyu

1.There's a boy in the picture. The  boy is drawing a  picture of a dog. The boy is fond of dogs 2.My younger sister is still a teenager. She is a beautifull girl with  fair hair and a pleasent smile. 3. -Where is milk? -I've just put it into the fridge.

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