Переведите на английский: Сегодня я уже позавтракал. Я уже убрала комнату. Мы уже полили цветы. Он еще не кормил своих домашних любимцев сегодня. Она играет на пианино уже два года. Они поют в хоре с трех лет


Ответ дал: TAPAKAН
Today I already had breakfast. I already cleaned the room. We have watered the flowers. He has not fed their pets today. She is
She plays the piano for two years. They sing in the choir three years

TAPAKAН: как то так
cлюда: не так
cлюда: because
Ответ дал: cлюда
I have already had breakfast today.
I have already cleaned my room.
We have already watered the flowers.
He hasn't fed his pets today yet.
She has played the piano for two years.
They have sung in the choir since three years old.
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