exercise 1 Questions and verb forb  Put the words in the right  order to make a question   Example : job / learning /  for / English / your / you / are ?    are you learning English for your job?   1. Еnglish / you / start/ did / learning / when? _________________________________ 2. Tennis / often / play / how / she/? _________________________________ 3. do / doing / what / at / you / like / weekend / the ? _________________________________ 4. weekend / do / what / you / would / to / this / like ? _________________________________ 5. dictionary / why / got / you / haven't / a?   _________________________________ On the following conversation rut the verb in brackets into the corr



Ответ дал: Yiruma


1-When did you start learning English?

2-How often does she play tennis?

3-What do you like doing at the weekend?

4-What would you like to do this weekend?

5-Why haven't you got a dictionary?



A: Did you know

B: I met. I was working. Does he still live

A:He lives. He has got. e isn't working. I'd like to invite. Can you come?

B: I'd love to see. We saw. I was teaching. We sometimes had. I enjoyed talking. I wanted to write. I didn't have.

A: I rang. I will ring (I am going to ring).

B: I will come and I will bring.

























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