Underline the correct form o f the verbs
A. Underline the correct form o f the verbs.
1. We can’t play football outside because it (is raining / rains now).
2. I (read / am reading) a book every weekend.
3. Vegetarians (don’t eat / are not eating) meat.
4. On Thursdays I (am watching / watch) TV after dinner.
5. Look! The burglar (breaks / is breaking) into that house!
6. He never is (tidying / tidies) his room.
7. What (are you doing / do you do) right now? Are you playing on the

Put the following adverbs in the right boxes.
always tonight sometimes now at the moment usually this morning seldom
Present Simple Present Continuous


Ответ дал: Аноним
A 1 is raining
2 read
3 don't eat
4 watch
5 is breaking
6 tidies
7 are you doing
Вас заинтересует