3. Complete the dialogues using the appropriate form of the verb. Translate it.

1. A: How do you go to work?
B: I usually ___________ (to cycle).
2. A: And what are you doing during the break time?
B: I ___________ (to do) the crossword in the newspaper. I __________ (to do) it almost every day.
3. A: Let’s talk about summer. Have you chosen where to go?
B: Yes, I have. Our family _____________ (to be going, to go) to Sochi.
4. A: By train or by plane?
B: By plane. Our plain ____________ (to take off) at 7 a.m. on next Friday.
5. A: So soon! Good luck to you all!
B: Thanks! I __________ (to bring) you a souvenir from Sochi. Bye! See you!


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1.cycle 2.am doing,do 3.is going to go 4.will take off 5.will bring

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