Добрый день! Выберите правильный вариант.
__you go to school yesterday? Did,Do, Are, Have
She___watch TV last night. Don't, doesn't, didn't, dided
Did he __to the cinema last week? Went, go, do, goed.
I___tennis yesterday. Play, plays,playd,played
He___his homework last evening. Do, does, doed,did
There aren't__apples in the basket. Some,any,a, an
There Is__orange on the table. Some, any, a, an
There isn't___water in the glass. Some, ane, a, an
There are__bananas in the fridge. some, any,a,an


Ответ дал: Sami777
1.Do 2.didnt 3.went 4.played 5.did 6.any 7.an 8.any 9.some
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