Помогите пожалуйста по английскому выбрать правильный ответ
1) His sister likes figure skating very much, …..?
a) don’t she
b) isn’t she
c) doesn’t she
d) hasn’t she

2) I ___ when the lights went out.
a) was working
b) am working
c) worked
d) work

3) Have you ever read his books? – Yes, I …them last year.
a) was reading
b) had read
c) have read
d) read

4) He … constantly.
a) has laughed
b) have laughed
c) is laughing
d) laughs

5) I didn’t know the answer because I … the textbook.
a) haven’t found
b) didn’t find
c) don’t find
d) hadn’t found

6) I think they… the new theatre by the year 2014.
a) will build
b) will have built
c) will have build
d) will have builded

7) Easter … in spring.
a) celebrates
b) is celebrated
c) are celebrating
d) celebrate

8) By the time I got to the library, she … all the necessary books.
a) has already taken
b) had already took
c) have already took
d) had already taken

9) I’m sorry. I haven’t ____ you at first.
a) understanding
b) understand
c) understood
d) understands

10) I can’t invite you now. My house ….. .
a) is renovated
b) has been renovated
c) is being renovated
d) is renovating

11) My friends come home late as a rule.
a) Present Simple
b) Past Simple
c) Future Simple
d) Present Perfect

12) Last month we _____ the National Gallery in London.
a) visit
b) visited
c) visits
d) something

13) Paul is away. He ___ to Italy.
а) have gone
b) has been
c) has gone
d) went

14) All our managers speak English fluently, _____ ?
a) do they
b) don’t they
c) did they
d) didn’t they

15) Somebody is making too much noise in the hall ____.
a) right now
b) recently
c) already
d) five minutes ago


Ответ дал: dsnvaa
1 c 2a 3c 4d 5b 6b 7a 8b 9c 10d 11a 12b 13c 14b 15a

Аноним: Спасибо Вам большое за ответ!
Ответ дал: ladylovetennis
1)c 2)a 3)d 4)d 5)a 6)a 7)b 8)d 9)c 10)b 11)a 12)b 13)c 14)b 15)a

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