IV.  Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форму   Simple Present или   Present Continuous.

1.  This car (to make) a very strange noise. You (to think) it is all right? Oh, that noise (not to matter). It always (to make) a noise like that.

2. I (to wish) the prices on the stock exchange went up.  They (to keep) falling off.  I (to think) many brokers (to want) to go on a holiday.

3.You (to recognize) that man?  I (to think) I have seen him before but I (not to remember) his name.

4.Look at that crowd! I (to wonder) what they (to wait) for.

5.This message has just arrived and the man (to wait) in case you (to want) to send a   reply.


Ответ дал: Ell96

1. makes

do you think

doesn`t matter


4. wonder

they are waiting for

5. are waiting


3. Do you recognize


don`t remember

2. wish




Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

IV.  Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форму   Simple Present или   Present Continuous.


1.  This car is making a very strange noise. Do you think it is all right? Oh, that noise does not matter. It always makes a noise like that.

2. I wish the prices on the stock exchange went up.  They  keep falling off.  I  think many brokers  want to go on a holiday.

3.Do you recognize that man?  I  think I have seen him before but I don't remember his name.

4. Look at that crowd! I wonder what they are waiting for.

5.This message has just arrived and the man is waiting in case you want to send a   reply.

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