Ребят помогите :с I went to the cinema yesterday evening. Philip gets up at 6 o`clock every moning. Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room. I will send you a letter tomorrow. К каждому предложению написать вопросы: Разделительный утвердительный Альтернативный Специалььный. Пожалуйстааа


Ответ дал: irinasin4

I went to the cinema yesterday evening.

Did I go to the cinema yesterday evening? (общий)

Did I go to the cinema or to the theatre yesterday evening? (альтернативный)

I went to the cinema yesterday evening, didn'I?(разделительный)

Where did I go yesterday evening? (специальный)


Philip gets up at 6 o`clock every moning.

Does Philip get up at 6 o`clock every moning?(общий)

Does Philip  get up at 6 or at 7 o`clock every moning?(альтернативный)

Philip gets up at 6 o`clock every moning, doesn't  he?(разделительный)

Who gets up at 6 o`clock every moning? (специальный)


Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room.

Is anybody  singing in the next room?(общий)

Is anybody  singing or dancing  in the next room?(альтернативный)

Listen! Somebody is singing in the next room, isn't he?(разделительный)

Who is singing in the next room? (специальный)


I will send you a letter tomorrow.

Will I  send you a letter tomorrow?(общий)

Will I  send you a letter or a parcel  tomorrow?(альтернативный)

I will send you a letter tomorrow, won't I?(разделительный)

What will I send you tomorrow? (специальный)





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