Для тех кто разбирается в английском.
Нужна помощь в тестах.
1. Nobody knows where his picture is. Perhaps, it ... .
a) was stolen b) will be stolen c) has been stolen d) stolen
2. I agree. You ... apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party.
a) can't b) mustn't c) shouldn't d) may not
3. Actually, today I feel ... than I did yesterday.
a) bad b) worse c) worst d) the worst
4. ... people who are unemployed often feel depressed.
a) The b) - с) А d) That
5. I cut my finger when I ... the potatoes.
a) am peeling b) have peeled c) was peeling d) will peel
6. Yesterday, while Jane ... she broke two cups.
a) wash up b) washes up c) was washing up d) has washed up
7. This is ... interesting exhibition I've ever visited.
a) more b) most c) less d) the most
8. Would you mind waiting ... minutes?
a) few b) a few c) little d) a little
9. We … a very good film last Sunday.
a) saw b) have seen c) see d) has seen
10. The students often translate English texts ... Russian.
a) to b) in c) into d) on


Ответ дал: Эльзаскар
1) c 2) b 3) b 4) b 5) c 6) d 7) d 8) b 9) b 10) d

Эльзаскар: я на счет 8 вопроса не уверен.
Аноним: в 8 точно b, а вот 10 неправильно ,там с
Аноним: и во 2 не b, а c
Эльзаскар: 10) с 2) b
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