Из предложенных вариантов выберите правильный.
10. How much ______ to study there?
a) costs it b) it costs c) does it cost d) does cost
11. Which of you ______ to go on an excursion?
a) wishes b) wish c) does wish d) do wish
12. I’m very busy at the moment. I ______ for my English exam.
a) prepare b) am preparing c) am going prepare d) am prepare
13. This time tomorrow ______ in the Black Sea.
a) I swim b) I’ll swim c) I’ll be swimming d) I’ll swimming
14. If the weather ______ fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.
a) is b) will c) will be d) were
15. Neither Helen nor Andrew ______ to go to the museum with us.
a) is wanting b) wants c) doesn’t want d) don’t want
16. How many exams a year______?
a) have you b) do you have c) you have d) are you having
17. The new text-book ______ next year.
a) publishes b) is published c) will publish d) will be published
18. Six public holidays ______ in Great Britain.
a) celebrate b) are celebrating c) are celebrated d) celebrates
19. Who ______ you to play tennis?
a) did teach b) teach c) taught d) was taught
20. ...our professor visited London?
a) have b) has c) did d) was
21. The Sahara is ______ desert in the world.
a) the hottest b) hottest c) the most hot
22. ______ my room______ yesterday?
a) was...cleaned b) is...cleaned c) will…be cleaned
23. Somebody ______ me on the phone every evening.
a) asks b) is asked c) are asked
24. The children ______ to the museum next week.
a) will take b) will be taken c) were taken
25. At the end of every term students ______.
a) examined b) were examined c) was examined
26. My article ______ at the moment.
a) is typed b) is being typed c) is typing


Ответ дал: Сашулька294
10. С
11. А
12. Б
13. С
14. С
15. Г
16. С
17. С
18. С
19. А
20. d
21. Б
22. А
23. А
24. Б
25. А
26. А

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