составтте диолог на англ - язык про школу  чтобы 1- й задавал вопросы что интерисуется этой школой а второй учится типа в этой школе отвечает на вопросы (4 вопросов и 4 ответа)  


Ответ дал: iragrdv1985
A-hello, could you answer my questions?
B- good morning, of course, what do you want to know?
A- my first question is: what do you think about your school?
B- ooh, my school is the best one, there are lots of students, and every student loves our school
A- mm, I see, in what year your school was built?
B- to tell the truth, I don't know, but I think it was about 5 years ago
A- all the teachers in your school are good, and quit kind?
B- yes, you are right
A- well, and the last question, are there a lot of study rooms?
B- yes, I think about 300
A- thanks, goodbye
B- see you
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