Помогите пажалуйсто с английским!!!

Add the appropriate tag question.

1.Jess is arranging the students' exchange, ... ?
2.Lena is staying weth a host family in London, ...?
3.Den can play defferent musical instryments, ... ?
4.They can't speak any foreign languages, ...?
5.You have got two close friends, ... ?
6.Our school footboll team have given an interview, ... ?



Ответ дал: ruslanion

1.isn't she?

2.isn't she?

3.couldn't he?

4.could they?

5.had i (or you)?

6.had they?



Ответ дал: lake7

1.Jess is arranging the students' exchange, .isn't she.. ?
2.Lena is staying weth a host family in London, isn't she..?
3.Den can play defferent musical instryments, ..can't he. ?
4.They can't speak any foreign languages, can they...?
5.You have got two close friends, ..haven't you. ?
6.Our school footboll team have given an interview, .haven't it.. ?

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