Choose the right preposition:
1.Cat was leaning by / against the wall with its hand in / into his pocket
2. I got at / to the station just in time to see my mother getting from / off the train
3 The cafe is among / between the chemist's and the butcher's and across / opposite the library
4 Mayra lives at / in Taraz ,which is at/in the south of Kazakhstan
5Travelling by /in your own car is better than going by / on foot
6Maral had a hat on/over her head and a veil above/over her face
7We arrived at/in England at:in Gatwick Airport
8Terry isn't here .He's away in business /on business
9 l can't disturb her now. She ' s at bed /in bed
10Madina always arrives exactly in time / on time for her lessons


Ответ дал: Dance4Life
1. by, in
2. to, off
3. between, opposte
4. in, at
5. in, on
6. on, over
7. in, at
8. on
9. in
10. on
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