Помогите, пожалуйста, с двумя заданиями по английскому языку.


RebekkaKloup: Продолжение задания 8. 10. John (screames/swore) he would soon return and he kept his oath. 11. Why can't people agree to use bicycles instead of cars and (then/thus) help to solve the problem of air pollution? 12. The park was somebody's private ( heritage/property) and we were not allowed to enter it.
marinazvetaeva: 10. swore. 11. thus. 12. property.


Ответ дал: marinazvetaeva
1. erupt, strike
2. down
3. spills
4. encourage
5. value
6. comfortable
7. visited
8. rush
9. characteristic
10 ?

RebekkaKloup: 10. John (screames/swore) he would soon return and he kept his oath. 11. Why can't people agree to use bicycles instead of cars and (then/thus) help to solve the problem of air pollution? 12. The park was somebody's private ( heritage/property) and we were not allowed to enter it.
Ответ дал: agressia666
№ 8 : 
1. erupt ; strike
2. down
3. spills
4. encourage
5. value
6. comfortable
7. visited
8. rush
9. characteristic
10.John swore he would soon return and he kept his oath.
11. Why can't people agree to use bicycles instead of cars and thus help to solve the problem of air pollution?
12. The park was somebody's private property and we were not allowed to enter it.

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