Add the appropriate tag question

1 Jess os arranging the students exchange, ...?

2 lena is staying with a host family in London,...?

3 Den can play different musical instruments,...?

4 The can t speak any foreign languages,...?

5 You have got two close friends,...?

6 Our scholl foorball team gave given an interview,...?


Ответ дал: vipanastasia00

1. isnt  she?
2. isnt she?
3. cant he?
4. can  it?
5.havent you?
6. -
Вроде так-_- 

Ответ дал: valeriaAleksis
1. Isn't she?
2. Isn't she?
3. Can't he?
4. Can they?
5. Haven't you?
6. Hasn't it?
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