You have received an email from an English friend inviting you to
spend Christmas in England.
Write an email of 50 - 80 words to your friend in which you:
- thank him / her for inviting you
- apologise for having to turn down the invitation
- explain why you cannot accept the invitation.
Write your email on your answer sheet.

калоинита: тут надо перевести
калоинита: да?


Ответ дал: Lincrafting

Dear friend,

Thanks a lot for your letter. We have been friends for lots of years now and I am very grateful for your invitation. It means a lot to me. Unfortunately, I have to turn down your invitation and I am very sorry for that. My family and I are visiting our grandmother this Christmas. We planned this trip a long time ago because she lives in another country. I hope to celebrate next Christmas with you.

Best wishes,

[Твоё имя]

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