Помогите пожалуйстаааа!!! What is ___ favourite book? A) it b) you c) your 2) We haven't got .... bread a) many b) much c) a
3) Put..... trousers оп the chair a) this b) that с) these
4) I would like ....orange juice а) а b) some с) аnу
5) Ann always..... her room a) does clean b) clean c) cleans
6) Jane wants to take...... apple a) an b) a c) much
7) There is .... milk in the cup a) some b) any c) a
8) Have you got .... nice books? a) a b) any c) some
9) He doesn't eat..... sweets a) many b) much c) some
10)..... he got English books? A) is b) Have c) has


Ответ дал: Katelin817
1 your
2 much
3 these
4 some
5 cleans
6 an
7 some
8 any
9 many
10 Has
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