Раскройте скобки в PRESENT SIMPLE
My working day (start) at 7 o'clock.
He (not take) a bus to his chool.
What she (read) on Saturday evenings?
Раскройте скобки в PAST SIMPLE
Mr. Smith (wash) his car yestarday morning
The student (be) in Russian Museum
What your brother (listen) yesterday?
Раскройте скобки в Future SIMPLE
I (visit) my doctor tomorrow
Her husband (not water) flowers in the garden
Where you (go) tomorrow?
Раскройте скобки в PRESENT CONTINUOUS
He (cook) now
They (not sleep) now
What they (talk) about?
Раскройте скобки в PRESENT PERFERCT
He just (go) home
I (not finish) yet
(visit) ever Paris?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в необходимом времени.
She (turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning
We (go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
I (go) to the cinema tomorrow.
They (be) very busy last summer and they (not go) there
He (get not) up at nine o'clock tomorrow
You (watch) TV yesterday?
Who (take) care of the child in the future?
When you (leave) home for school yesterday?
You (have) a PT lesson yesterday? -- No, I...
What you (buy) at the shop tomorrow? --I(buy) a book
He (go) already
When my mum (come), I (sleep)
At 5 yesterday I (read)
I can go for a walk because I (do) homework.
Поставьте предлоги In/at/on
1 The class starts ____ 9 am
2 Susan was born____ 1991
3 They go to austria____ winter
4 I'm ging to see a dentist____ Monday morning
5 What are you going to do___ the weekend?
6 Today Japanese people hardly ever have a traditional breakfast ___ the morning
7 My family always go to NYC ____ Christmas
8 My daughter plays tennis ____ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
9 we were in Rio _____ January
10 Carol's birthday is _____ 24 July


Ответ дал: NastyaProkhorova
1 startes
2 doesn't take
3 what does she read...

1 washed
2 was
3 what did your brother listen...

1 is cooking
2 aren't sleeping
3 what are they talking

1 has just cooking
2 haven't finished
3 have you visited...

Дальше лень
Ответ дал: alinaaa1089
doesn't take 
will visit
will not water
will go
is cooking 
aren't sleeping 
are talking 
has gone 
hadn't finished 
have visited  

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