Помогите вставить слова в текст My name ....... Sally. I ........ seven. I ..... from Africa. I ...... ......... a large family. I've got a ........., a ........., three sisters and two ......... My father's parents live with us. So I ....... ........... three ........ , three ...... and two aunts.


Ответ дал: Vanka210
1 is
2 am
3 am
4 am
5 have
6 mother
7 father
8 brothers
9 live
10 with
11 grannys
12 grandfathers
цифры это пропуски в тексте
Ответ дал: nastya270197
Is, am, am, have, mother, father, brothers, have grandparents, three uncles, three grannys
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