There ............. a lot of people in the fast food restaurant last night. It was very busy!
".............. Katie at school last week?" No she ........... . She was sick."
"These flowers are beautiful. ............... they expensive?" "No, they ............... . "
................ James and Charlotte in the florict's? Yes, they ................. .
That's pretty dress. ................ it in the sale? Yes, it ................... .
..................... there a toy shop in that shopping centre? No, there .................. .
Where ................. you yesterday, Sam? I ................., at the zoo with my mum.
We ..................... at home last night. We ................... at the cinema with friends.


Ответ дал: nanaй1фяцыч
 were Was  wasn't were were not were were was was was wasn't were was  were were

GenaShtiben13: спасибо :3
katiaflowerpe: were Was wasn't were were not were were was was was wasn't were was were were
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