напишите пожалуйста правильно предложения 1) part, this,of, called, Great Britain, the Lake District, is. 2) are, languages, Canada, in, spoken, what? 3) Teacher's Day, calebrated, October, is, in? 4) made, leather, are, shoes, my, of. 5) to, letters, delivered , shool, day, a lot of, every, are, our .


Ответ дал: В0лк
1) This part of Great Britain is called the Lake District.
2) What languages are spoken in Canada?
3) Is Teacher's Day celebrated in October?
4) My shoes are made of leather.
5) A lot of letters are delivered to our school every day.

MPEO: Nice work, guy :)
Ответ дал: MPEO
1. This part of Great Britain is called the Lake District.
2. What languages are spoken in Canada?
3. Is Teacher's Day celebrated in October?
4. My shoes are made of leather.
5. A lot of letters are delivered to our school every day.

MPEO: I didnt copy, by God.
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