Complete the dialogue with the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets.

Bob is visiting London. Ann is asking him about the visit.

A: Have you been (be) to a football match since you arrived?

B: No, I....... I never go to football matches. I hate football.

A: ... you ... (send) any postcards yet?

B: Yes, I ....

A: ... you ... (see) the British Museum yet?

B: No, I ... .

A: ... you ... (eat) in any good restaurants?

В: I ... (eat) out twice.

A: ... you ... (visit) Madame Tussaud’s?

B: No, I .... I visited it last year when I was in London.

A: ... you ... (have) time to go to our beautiful parks?

B: Yes, I ... (be) to three parks!

A: ... your mother... (phone) you?

B: No, she ... .

A: .......... (enjoy) your visit so far?

B: Yes. I ... (do) so many interesting things!


Ответ дал: dimanchyck2000
haven't ; have; sent; have; have; seen; haven't; Have ; eaten; have eaten; have; visited; have; had; have been; have; phoned; haven't; have you enjoyed; have don
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