Поставьте в пропуски глагола из скобок употребив ,настоящее завершеное время
1. We ___all our homework (finish)
2.He___us many times (visit)
3.She __my book at last (return)
4.I am afraid that I ___ my car keys (lose)
5. We __in Mexico many times(be)
6. I __ this exercise before(study)
7. We___many new words in this course (learn)
8.My family__to Montreal(be)
9. I ___that story before (hear)
10.We __money to them several times(lend)
11.Mr. Petridis__to South America to work (go)
12. His uncle__computer science for years(teach)
13. She__that movie theree times (see)
14. He__and__several fortunes (make,lose)
15. Kelly __that recipe many times(try)
16.He__to understand what Alice wants (begin )
17. The flowers ___very high (grew)
18. They __in Acapulco many times(be)
19. Dick ___them in Mexico twice(visit )


Ответ дал: vikatish

1. We have finished all our homework.

 2.He has visited us many times  

 3.She has returned my book at last

 4.I am afraid that I have lost my car keys.

 5. We have been in Mexico many times.

 6. I have studied this exercise before.

 7. We have learned many new words in this course.

 8.My family has been to Montreal.

 9. I have heard that story before.

 10.We have lent money to them several times.

 11.Mr. Petridis has gone to South America to work.

 12. His uncle has taught computer science for years.

 13. She has seen that movie three times.

14. He has make and lost several fortunes.

 15. Kelly has tried that recipe many times.

 16.He has begun to understand what Alice wants .

 17. The flowers have grown very high.

 18. They have been in Acapulco many times.

 19. Dick has visited them in Mexico twice.

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