тема урока :HAVING A GOOD TIME WITHYOUR FAMILY.задание:переделай предложения по образцу. Образец:My sister does not write fairy tales-My sister doesn"t write fairy tales. 1)-I have not got a brother.- 2)my grandmother does not listen to rock music.- 3)his sister cannot (это вместе пишется) take photos.- 4) her grandfather has not got a pet.- 5) mag did not play puzzles yesterday.- 6) our father will not watch the stars in the morning.- 7) their mother was not at home at two o"clock.- PLEASE!!!-ПОЖАЛУЙСТААА!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: Yiruma

1-I haven't got a brother.

2-My grandmother doesn't listen to rock music.

3-His sister can't take photos.

4-Her grandfather hasn't got a pet.

5-Mag didn't play puzzles yesterday.

6-Our father won't watch the stars in the morning.

7-Their mother wasn't at home at two o'clock.













Ответ дал: Lyubov2306

1)I haven't got a brother. 

2) My grandmother doesn't listen rock music

3) his sister can't take photos

4) her grandfather hasn't got a pet

5) mag didn't play puzzles yesterday

6) our father won't  watch the stars in the morning

7) their mother wasn't at home at two o'clock

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