Заполнить пробелы, словами : can, may, ought to, mustn`t, could, must, should, needn`t, be able to, have to, to be to.
1) Hurry up. The bus____leave in a quarter of an hour.
2) I`m sure he ___ not do such a thing. You ___ speak to him yourself.
3) When I was young, I ___ walk for many hours running (подряд).
4) The concert ___ be held yesterday but it was put off because of the illness of the pianist.
5) I won`t ___ to translate this text until I look up all the new words.
6) You ___ go to a post-office. You ___ drop your letter in any post-box.
7) We ___ isolate the boy. He ___ infect other children.
8) We ___ fight against international terrorism with all possible means.
9) You ___ visit your parent more often. They are very lonely.
10) You ___ speak to your teachers in such a way.


Ответ дал: shafievfarid
1) Must
2) may
3) Could
4) Must
5) be able to
6) needn`t, should
7) must, can
8) have to
9) ought to
10) may
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