Помогите выбрать правильное решение . Нужно сделать к 6 утра

1. I want you…. Help me with Text 1.
a) To help b)Help c) Helping
2. My parents let me…. Home late.
a) Coming b)to come c) come
3. The children were allowed … this film.
a) To watch b) watch c)watching
4. Mother watched the children … .
a) Played b) playing c) to play
5. My elder brother … school 5 years ago.
a) Finishes b) finished c) had finished
6. Before mother called us , she … the table.
a) Set b) was setting c) had set
7. When he came in , I … the door.
a) Painted b) was paining c)paint
8. He said I … up the story myself.
a) Made b) make c) had made
9. While my friend … , I was watching the birds.
a) Was fishing b) had fished c) fished
10. They … in the garden at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
a) will be working b) works c) will works


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
1. I want you…. Help me with Text 1.
a) To help 
2. My parents let me…. Home late.
c) come
3. The children were allowed … this film.
a) To watch 
4. Mother watched the children … .
b) playing  
5. My elder brother … school 5 years ago.
 b) finished 
6. Before mother called us , she … the table.
c) had set
7. When he came in , I … the door.
b) was paining 
8. He said I … up the story myself.
c) had made
9. While my friend … , I was watching the birds.
a) Was fishing 
10. They … in the garden at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
a) will be working 

katyuka: Спасибо вам большое)
ElskerNorge: пожалуйста)
ElskerNorge: в 8 предложении точно кавычек в условии нет? это не прямая речь?
katyuka: в 8 предложение кавычек нет мне кажется что это косвенная речь
ElskerNorge: если нет, тогда всё ок) меня просто смущает местоимение" I" если косвенная, то должно менять на "he"
ElskerNorge: и"himself" соответственно
ElskerNorge: а если прямая, то закавычить и вариант а)
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