4 придложения с 4 типами вопросов на английском


Ответ дал: 120800
1) общий
Are you going home now?
Ты идешь домой сейчас?
2) специальный
Where is his book?
Где его книга?
3) вопрос к подлежащему
Who brings food here?
Кто принес еду сюда?
4) альтернативный
Will we or they go to the country?
Мы или они поедут загород?
5) разделительный вопрос
She eats meat, doesn't she?
Она ест мясо, не так ли?
Всего 5 типов вопросов, но ты можешь не писать 3, так как он не везде указан.

Коцюрбей: а придложения?
Коцюрбей: к 1 придложению по 4 вопроса
120800: Нужно понятнее писать.
Коцюрбей: ок
120800: He is going home now.
1)Is he going home now?
2)When does he go home?
3)Who is going home now?
4)He or she going home now?
5)He is going home now, isn't he?
His book is on the table.
1)Does his book on the table?
2)Where is his book?
3)What is on the table?
4)His or her book on the table?
5)His book is on the table, isn't it?
120800: She eats meat.
1)Does she eat meat?
2)What does she eat?
3)Who eats meat?
4)She eats meat or fish?
5)She eats meat, doesn't she?
He doesn't play football at the stadium.
1)Does he play football?
2)Where does he play football?
3)Who doesn't play football at the stadium?
4)He doesn't play football or basketball at the stadium?
5)He doesn't play football at the stadium, does he?
120800: Надеюсь, на этот раз я все так поняла?
Коцюрбей: да спосибо тебе ты лудшая!!!
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