Срочно! Помогите пожалуйста! I have always loved (alvays, love) running. I (1) (start) running at primary school. I (2) (run) for our school for two years. I (3) (win) the running competition last year. Now I (4) (be) in Class 1 of secondaru school and my hobby (5) (be) swimming. I (6) (take) swimming lessons at our sport centre since I was 9 years old. In May I (7) (take) part in a school swimming competition. I'm scared because I (never, compete) in swimming before. I think that I (9) (win) because I (10) (practise) a lot. I hope I (11) (perform) well. нужно глаголы в скобках поставить в нужном времени?


Ответ дал: nunny
I have always loved running. I (1) (started) running at primary school. I (2) (have run) for our school for two years. I (3) (won) the running competition last year. Now I (4) (am) in Class 1 of secondary school and my hobby (5) (is) swimming. I (6) (have been taking) swimming lessons at our sport centre since I was 9 years old. In May I (7) (am taking) part in a school swimming competition. I'm scared because I (have never competed) in swimming before. I think that I (9) (will win) because I (10) (have been practising) a lot. I hope I (11) (will perform) well.
Ответ дал: Rainymood
have been running
have been taking
shall take
have never competed
will win, am practising
will perform
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