Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Perfect или Past Simple
1. a) Last year we (be) in France. b) I never (be) to France.
2. This week i (see) a new film. b) Last week i see two new films.
3. a)Today I (buy) a new dress. b) Yesterday I (buy) a new skirt.
4) Now I can go for a walk. I already (do) my homework.
5. Is you father at home? Yes, he is. He just (come)
6. I (not see) Mary today. I (not see) her yesterday as well
7. Two years ago he (be) in St. Petersburg
8. I (know) him since my childhood
9. She (live) in this house since 1980. No. I remember that she (move) here in 1979


Ответ дал: mashakot2
1.a) was b)have been 2. Have seen b)i saw 3.a)will buy b)bought 4. a)have done 5.has come 6.a)Will i not see 7. was 8.knew 9a). has lived b) has moved Я не уверенна на 100%. Но все же...
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