About theree weeks after I arrived at Lowood something terrible happened .I tried to sit so that Mr Brocklehurst would not notice me. But then I dropped my book with a loud noise. I wanted to die! I was so ashamed .Переделайте пожалуйста в 3 лицо


Ответ дал: MilesTheHappyFox
About three weeks after he/she/they arrived at Lowood something terrible happened. He/she/they tried to sit so that Mr. Blocklehurst wouldn't noticed him/her/them. But then he/she/they dropped his/her/their book he/she/they wanted to die! He/she/they was/were so ashamed.

daka971: Спасибо тебе большое
daka971: Можешь ещё переделать?
MilesTheHappyFox: It would be grate. Don't you regret if I'll writing in English? It's so playful to help student from other land in learning the language of Vikings; been bored, you didn't even thought how individual can solve this issue.
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