Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложения
... Bermuda Triangle is located in ... Atlantic Ocean.
The longest river of the world is ... Nile River.
The lowest lake of the world is ... Dead Sea, the deepest lake is ... Lake Baikal, the longest lake is ... Tanganyika.
... Lake Superior is the largest of ... Great Lakes.
In ... Atlantic Ocean, ... American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of.
... Gulf of Mexico and ... Caribbean Sea.


Ответ дал: galina572319

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the Atlantic Ocean.

The longest river of the world is the Nile River.

The lowest lake of the world is the Dead Sea, the deepest lake is  Lake Baikal, the longest lake is  the Tanganyika.

Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes

In the Atlantic Ocean, the American Mediterranean Sea is the combination of the seas of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

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