помогите пожалуйста. 3 задание



Ответ дал: GoldenLady89
1) We didn't spend 2 weeks in Scotland.
 Where did you spend two weeks at Summer school?
How long did you spend time at Summer School?
Did you spend two weeks at Summer School?
2) We didn't discuss many problems on history lessons
Where did you discuss the problems?
Did you discuss problems on history lessons?
Why did you discuss problems on history lessons?
3) The won't arrange the date and time of our meeting.
What will  they arrange?
Will they arrange the date of our meeting?
Who will arrange the date of our meeting?
4) There aren't many interesting places in London
Are there many interesting places in London?
Where are many interesting places?
Which places are in London?
5) There wasn't a book on the table.
Where was a book?
Was there a book on the table?
What was on the table?

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