Составьте отрицания и вопросы (общие, специальные, альтернативные, разделительные) к следующим предложениям:
I buy milk every day. 2. She always has a lot of work to do. 3. I read a newspaper yesterday. 4. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.


Ответ дал: Ka4erga3000
1) I buy milk every day.
    I don't buy milk every day.
    Do you buy milk every day?
    Who buy milk every day?
    When do you buy milk?
    What do you buy every day?
    You buy milk every day, don't you?
You don't buy milk every day, do you? 
You buy milk or lemonade every day?
2)  She always has a lot of work to do.
     She doesn't always has a lot of work to do.
     Who always has a lot of work to do?
     How much work does she has  to do?
She always has a lot of work to do, doesn't she?
     She doesn't always has a lot of work to do, does she?
     Does She always or often has a lot of work to do?
3) I read a newspaper yesterday. 
    I didn't read a newspaper yesterday. 
    Did you read a newspaper yesterday?
    Who read a newspaper yesterday?
    When did you read a newspaper?
    What did you read yesterday?
read a newspaper yesterday, did you?
     You didn't read a newspaper yesterday, did you?
     Did you read a book or a nespaper?
4. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.
    Mercury isn't the planet closest to the Sun.
    What is the planet closest to the Sun?
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, isn't it?
    Mercury isn't the planet closest to the Sun, is it?
    Is Mercury or The Earth closest to the Sun?

Masha698429: Спасибо большое)
Ka4erga3000: ;)
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