Jasmine Walsh is a theaches. Every morning she1)............ (get up ) at 7 o'clock, has a shower and gets dressed. She always2)............. (wear) smart clothes to school, like jackets and trousers. 3)........ (begin) at 9 am and Jasmine is never late. She always4)........ (arrive) at schoolong at 8.45. In the morning, she5)........... (teach) Maths, English and Science. There is a break for lunch at 12.30. Jasmine usually6)............. (eat) in the school canteen or she brinGSM a sandwich. Lessons start again at 1.30. In the afternoon, there7)............ (be) Art, Music and PSHE classes. Sometimes, Jasmine8)............. ( read) stories to the class, too. The children9)......... ( go) home at 3.30. Jasmine10).......... (tidy) up the classroom. She often11)........... (have) pupil's work to correct, as well. When she gets home at 5.30, she usually12).......... (feel) very tired. After dinner, she13)............ (watch) TV, but she rarely14).......... (go) to bedo later than 10 pm!


Ответ дал: SmartLady
1 gets up
2 wears
3 begin
4 arrives
5 teaches
6 eats
7 are
8 reads
9 go
10 tidies up
11 has
12 feels
13 watches
14 goes
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