1.Расставьте слова в предложения
foreign, miss, start, took, uniform
Do you ……… your school friends in summer?
We learn two ……… languages: English and French.
Denis …….. a lot of pictures of his friends.
Most British students wear ……… at school.
When do the lessons …….? – At 8 o”clock.
2. Выбери глагол в нужной форме
1. Tomorrow she …….. this text from Russian.
A translates B translated C will translate
2. We ………. our last summer holidays in the country.
A spend B spent C will spend
3. I usually ……. to bed at 10 o’clock.
A go B went C will go
4. My brother often ………. good marks in English.
A get B gets C will get
5. Tom didn’t ……… TV yesterday.
A watch B watches C watched
3. Переделайте по образцу.
Образец: the books of the teacher – the teacher’s books
the computer of my friend
the photos of my parents
the uniform of the student
4.Переведите на английский язык
- проводить каникулы - ходить по магазинам
- скучать по родителям - умный ученик
- ездить заграницу


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge

Do you miss your school friends in summer?
We learn two foreign languages: English and French.
Denis took a lot of pictures of his friends.
Most British students wear uniform at school.
When do the lessons start? – At 8 o”clock.
2. Выбери глагол в нужной форме
1. Tomorrow she …….. this text from Russian.
C will translate
2. We ………. our last summer holidays in the country.
B spent 
3. I usually ……. to bed at 10 o’clock.
A go 
4. My brother often ………. good marks in English.
 B gets 
5. Tom didn’t ……… TV yesterday.
A watch 
3. Переделайте по образцу.
Образец: the books of the teacher – the teacher’s books
the computer of my friend=my friend's computer
the photos of my parents=my parents' photos
the uniform of the student=the student's uniform
4.Переведите на английский язык
- проводить каникулы= to spend holidays
 - ходить по магазинам=to go shopping
- скучать по родителям=to miss parents
 - умный ученик=a clever(smart) pupil
- ездить заграницу=to go abroad

yansubaevadiana: спасибо..
ElskerNorge: пожалуйста)
Ответ дал: 0611199706

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A

my friend's computer
my parents' photos
the student's uniform

spend holidays
go shopping
miss for parents
smart student
to go abroad

yansubaevadiana: спасибо большое!!
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