Prepositions (предлоги )
1. How many boys _ brown hair are there in your class?
2. The attic is _ the top_ the house.
3. There are lots _ posters _ the walls.
4. Birmingham is _ the centre of England.
5. When have we got Maths? - It's _ Wednesday morning.
6. What is London famous _ ?
7. Bread is made _ flour, water and yeast.
8. Please, push the note _ the door, Mary.
9. Paul is found of listening _ pop music.
10. Do you go to school _ bus ?
On, under, of, in, from at, for, on, with, of, by, to.


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. with
2. at, of
3. of, on
4. in
5. on
6. for
7. from
8. under
9. to
10. by 
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