Помогите умоляю. Відповісти на питання.
1.What are the healthy ways to cook food?
2. When was the Royal Academy founded?
Перетворити пряму мову в непряму.
1.The teacher said,"do people protect our planet?"
2. My daughter said,"don't cut dowm the tree"


Ответ дал: eknyazheva

1.What are the healthy ways to cook food? Some of the healthy ways of cooking are steaming, boiling, pressure cooking and broiling.
2. When was the Royal Academy founded?The Royal Academy was founded through a personal act of King George III on 10 December 1768.
1.The teacher said,"Do people protect our planet?"
2. My daughter said,"Don't cut down the tree."

1.The teacher asked if people protect our planet.
2.My daughter told me not to cut down the tree.
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