Use Present Perfect or Past Perfect):
1.I received a letter from Susan a few days ago. I ………..(not to I receive) letters from her since she left. 2. There are a lot of dirty I dishes. We ………….(not to wash up) since morning. 3.I telephoned her after I …………(to think over) her offer. 4. He gave up smoking after he …………(to smoke) for 20 years. 5. How long you …………(to be engaged) before 1 you got married? 6. We ………….(to be) here since 10 o'clock. 7. At last he……….. (to finish) iris book. He …………..(to write) it for ten years.


Ответ дал: eknyazheva

1.I received a letter from Susan a few days ago. I haven’t received letters from her since she left. 2. There are a lot of dirty I dishes. We haven’t  washed  up  since morning. 3. I telephoned her after I had thought over her offer. 4. He gave up smoking after he  had smoked for 20 years. 5. How long had you been engaged before  you got married? 6. We have been here since 10 o'clock. 7. At last, he has finished his book. He has written it for ten years.

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