1. The area at the top of the hill is very calm and …. early in the morning.
__A peaceful __ B noisy __ C chaotic
2. We had a/an …. time at the concert last night.
__A remarkable __ B enjoyable __ C valuable
3. «Don`t be so …. . You are already 14 years old,» Mother told Ann.
__A smallish __ B childish __ C youngish
4. Although Harry is thin, he is ….. most other boys.
__A strong __B stronger than __C the strongest
5. Be ….. to animals; they are living things too.
__A kind __B kinder than __C the kindest


Ответ дал: DinarMirg
1) А
2) В
3) В
4) В
5) А

sashasmai: спасибо
sashasmai: 6. Why aren`t you drinking your tea? It`s has already turned ….. .
__A boiling __B hot __C cold
sashasmai: можно ище ето ?
DinarMirg: С будет
sashasmai: спасбо большое
Вас заинтересует