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The person who has won the most Oscars is not (6) ….. for being an actor but was someone who has (7) ….. joy to children of all ages, Walt Disney. During his (8) ….. , Walt Disney won 26 Oscars and 6 special Academy Awards. He was also only one of the two presenters who opened the envelope to (9) ….. that he had won the Oscar (the other was composer Irving Berlin). Walt Disney (10) …. an Oscar and seven statuettes in 1938 when he was honored for his film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

6 A identified
B detected
C known
D picked

7 A produced
B found
C taken
D brought

8 A existence
B lifetime
C biography
D job

9 A count on
B look for
C agree with
D find out

10 A greeted
B saw
C obtained
D received


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. D
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