Употребите правильную форму глагола.Помогите пожалуйста)Т.к не шарю в английском
1.It is 12 o'clock. The family (has/ is having) tea.
2.In the morning my mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast for us.
3. I (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ am driving) to work.
4.Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at half past eight in the morning. He (goes/ is going)to his office by bus.
5.In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.
6.Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) his lessons. g
7.The weather is fine. The sun (shines/ isshining) and it (doesn't rain/ isn't raining).
8.It often (rains/ is raining) in autumn.
9.Kitty (likes/ is liking) ice-cream.
10. My friend (lives/ is living) in London.


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1.is having 2.cooks 3.have,drive 4.leaves,goes 5.watch 6.is doing 7.is shining,isn't raining 8.rains 9.likes 10.lives

Аноним: Сможете еще помочь?. Вставьте do или does.
1 you sleep well? Yes, I... .
2 your sister wash the plates? Yes,she ....
3. What ... your teacher read to you?
4 Mr. Snowdon speak Russian? No,he ... not
5. Where ... you take books from?
6.Pamela ... not drive a car.
7.David ... not like getting up early.
8.How long ... it take you to get to school?
9. ... she play tennis well? No, she ... not.
10. What languages ... John speak?
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