вставте глагол 1 . Bob ..... a good teacher . 2 . I ..... from ltaly . 3 . We ..... at home . 4 . You ..... my best friend.5. The elephant.......big.6. The toys....... under the chair.7. I ........a student.8.The book ........ on the table.


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. is
2. am
3. are
4. are
5. is
6. are
7. am
8. is
Ответ дал: mari1925
Bob is a good teacher.
I am from Italy.
We are at home.
You are my best friend.
The elephant is big.
The toys are under the chair.
I am a student.
The book is on the table. 

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