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1. I (live) in Moscow before I (go) to St. Petersburg. 2. He (lose) the key of his house and now he has to climb through the window. 3. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays. 4. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is. 5. You (close) the door before leaving the house? 6. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work yet. 7. I (do) this sort of work when I (be) in the army. 8. He (go) out ten minutes ago. 9. The newspaper (come)? Yes, Ann is read­ing it. 10. You (be) here before? – Yes, I (spend) my holi­days here last year. – You (have) a good time? – No, it never (stop) raining.


Ответ дал: Decoration
1. I have lived in Moscow before I go to St. Petersburg. 2. He has lost the key of his house and now he has to climb through the window. 3. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays. 4. I  haven't seen him for three years. I wonder where he is. 5. Have you closed the door before leaving the house? 6. I can't go out because I haven't finished my work yet. 7. I  did this sort of work when I was in the army. 8. He went out ten minutes ago. 9. Has the newspaper come? Yes, Ann is read­ing it. 10. Have you been here before? – Yes, I spent my holi­days here last year. – Did you have a good time? – No, it  never stopped raining.
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