Пожалуйста, помогите выполнить!
11. I heard the witness ___ while I was passing past the court-room.
a) to speak b) speak c) speaking
12. Valuable consideration must consist of something capable of ___ in money.
a) having estimated b) estimating c) being estimated
13. He remembers ___ by the police last year.
a) having been traced b) being traced c) to be traced
14. He admitted ___ dependant upon their financial support.
a) being b) be c) to be
15. ___ married leads to the creation of new rights and obligations between the couple/
a) Having got b) Getting c) To get
16. There is no legal obligation on the girl ___ her name after ___ married.
a) changing, get b) to change, getting c) change, getting
17. John has decided to give up ___ criminal offences because of ___.
a) committing, being prosecuted b) to commit, prosecuting c) to commit, being prosecuted
18. In such a case the banking system in unable ___ the client.
a) respond b) to respond c) responding
19. The lawyer suggested ___ payment from the bank.
a) request b) to request c) requesting
20. Labour law is a system of rules ___ labour relations.
a) being regulated b) regulating c) having been regulated


Ответ дал: GoldenLady89
11)c 12)a 13)b 14)c 15)b 16)b 17)a 18)c 19)b 20)a
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