Some of these verbs can be used in the continuous form if we want to give them a different meaning.Match sentences 1-6 with a-f below.
1 What do you think about your job?
2 What are you thinking about?
3 My boss is being difficult
4 My boss is difficult
5 She has a child
6 She's having a child
a He's usually so easy to work for.
b She goes on maternity leave next week.
c I'm really enjoying it.
d A boy who is three, I think.
e Nothing important.
f He has an awful reputation with his staff.


Ответ дал: zorbing
1 What do you think about your job? - c I'm really enjoying it.
2 What are you thinking about? - e Nothing important.
3 My boss is being difficult - a He's usually so easy to work for.
4 My boss is difficult - f He has an awful reputation with his staff.
5 She has a child - d A boy who is three, I think.
6 She's having a child - b She goes on maternity leave next week.

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