помогите пожалуйста . нужно поставить в правильную форму слова
Complate the sentences with the Present Simple Passive of the verbs in brackets /
1. ..... this film ....(show)every year ?
2.I ....( see) by millions of people every day on my new programme .
3. These CDs ......( not make )by a Japanese company .
4.This programme .....(write) about in that magazine .
5 ... you ...(pay) at the end of every show ?
6. The weather forecast ....( not read ) by Bo Tyler on this channel .
7. These cartoons .....( watch) by children every where .


Ответ дал: myspace395
1- Is the film shown
2-I am seen
3-These CDs are not made
4-This programme is written
5-Are you paid
6-The weather forecast is not read
7-These cartoons are watched
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