Раскройте скобки,используя future simple and future progressive.

1.-what you (to do) tomorrow afternoon at about 6 o`clock?
-Nothing special.-Why?-I(to tell)you later.2.I know that at the party everybody(to dance,to laugh and to enjoy themselves.3.-What a hugepile of books!-I(to help)you to take them to the library.4.Australia (to be) the first country they are going to visit.


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1. - What will  you be doing  tomorrow afternoon at about 6 o`clock?
 -Nothing special. -Why? -I will tell you later.

2. I know that at the party everybody will be dancing, laughing  and to enjoy themselves.

3. -What a huge pile of books! -I will help you to take them to the library.

4. Australia will be  the first country they are going to visit.

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