Correct the mistake
1.You can go out until you finish eating.
2.Dad,must i borrow the car,please?
3.I haven t be able to write the latter yet.
4. He can t run long distances when he was a boy.
5.You mustn t wake up early tomorrow.It s a holiday


Ответ дал: OlyaStilinski
1.You can't go out until you finish eating. 2.Dad,can i borrow the car,please? 3.I haven't been able to write the latter yet. 4. He couldn't run long distances when he was a boy. 5.You needn't wake up early tomorrow.It's a holiday
Ответ дал: Decoration
1.You cannot go out until you finish eating.
2.Dad, May I borrow the car,please?
3.I haven' t been able to write the letter yet.
4. He couldn't run long distances when he was a boy.
5. You will not have to wake up early tomorrow. It s a holiday

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