Вставьте модальные глаголы "can," "may," "must".
1. The man ... be a foreigner. He ... not understand Russian. 2.... you believe her story? It... be her imagination. 3. How ... we get to the centre of London? 4. ... you tell us where we ... get off? 5. It's 10 o'clock, you ... go to bed at once. 6.1... not do without your help now. 7. You ... get her on the phone any time. 8. If you go through the forest you ... lose your way. 9. ... I use your camera? 10. Flue ... be very dangerous. 11. The road was dirty; you... wipe your feet when you come in. 12. Mrs. Smith... be at least 60.
13. Something ... be done to stop the criminal. 14. I ... leave now, I have a seminar. 15. ... you understand what he's speaking about? 16. I ... admit he's very capable. 17. I ... hear some voices outside. 18. You ... come a little later tomorrow. 19. She ... not be 35, she has grandchildren. 20. She ... be very unreasonable at times. 21. ... I apologize to him? 22. You ... go and play now. 23. They've bought such an expensive house. They ... be very well-off. 24. I wonder what they ... think of the girl now. 25. ... you speak Spanish? 26. My watch ... be two minutes fast. It... be 6 sharp now.


Ответ дал: Dugan1986
1. must, can (not)
2. can, must
3. can
4. can, must
5. must
6. can (not)
7. can
8. might
9. may
10. can
11. must
12. must
13. must
14. must
15. can
16. must
17. can
19. can (not)
20. can
21. may
22. may
23. must
24. must (?)
25. can
26. must, must.
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